Pump with Purpose

From Passion to Purpose: Helping to Reach Your Pumping Goals
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Increase Your Milk Supply with the Right Pump, Flange, Products & Schedule

Initial prenatal or postpartum consults include the following discussion: *60 minutes includes your history/background, premier pumping plan (pump, flange, products, and schedule), & Q&A session *90 minutes includes your history/background, premier pumping plan (pump, flange, products, and schedule), & Q&A session, and real-time pumping session After the consult, you will receive: *Premier Pumping Plan (care plan) *7-day follow-up through secure message portal *5-day Pump Log (optional) to track your progress *Pumping Guide *Newborn Care Guide *24-hour access to send secure messages *24-hour access to your documents All pricing details are outlined below. Documents are required to be completed prior to appointment. You will receive an e-mail with link to the documents as soon as your appointment is accepted. Pump with Purpose wants to help you increase your breastmilk supply with the right pump, flange, products and schedule as well teach you how to pump based on your body. We want to help you make more than enough breastmilk, get off of formula if that is your goal, create an oversupply and freezer stash, help manage your oversupply, spend less on pumping products, stop searching the internet for pumping information that could sabotage your journey, discuss safest pumping practices for you and your child(ren), pumping tips and tricks, reduce anxiety, build your confidence over breast pumping, and drop pumps or wean on your own terms when you are ready with personalized plans tailored to you and your body. Pump with Purpose is the premier lactation & postpartum private practice servicing the breastfeeding and postpartum communities across the world with a focus on pumping, either exclusively or in addition to nursing. Dr. Dianna, DPA, CLC, CBS, PDC(DONA), C.L.C., M.C.L.C is Doctor of Public Administration, Certified Lactation Counselor, and Certified Breastfeeding Specialist, Certified Postpartum Doula, Certified Life Coach, and Master Certified Life Coach. Ida Ezell, CBS is a Certified Breastfeeding Specialist. Our practice owns over 300 pumping products in inventory that is available to discuss. Pump with Purpose accepts credit cards, debit cards, and most Flexible Spending Account (FSA) cards and Health Savings Account (HSA) cards. Payment is due prior to service at the time of intake. Pump with Purpose can provide a Superbill (upon request) and offers electronic insurance claim reimbursement services that the client can use to seek insurance reimbursement. Client is responsible for verifying insurance coverage for lactation under CPT code S9443 and DX code Z39.1 for postpartum lactation services or Z34.80 for prenatal lactation services prior to booking. Insurance reimbursement is not guaranteed and refunds will not be issued if insurance does not provide reimbursement. You have the right to receive a "Good Faith Estimate" explaining how much your lactation care will cost. Please be sure to fill out all paperwork as soon as possible to secure your spot.
Dr. Dianna Dixon, DPA, CLC, CBS, PDC(DONA), C.L.C., M.C.L.C.
Lactation & Postpartum Private Practice


Prenatal or Postpartum Premier Pumping Consults

  • Lactation Counseling
  • Exclusive Pumping
  • Nursing / Pumping
  • Breastfeeding/Lactation Difficulties
  • Breast Pump Selection
  • Flange Sizing
  • Pumping Product Selection
  • Pumping Schedule
  • Breastmilk Supply and Storage
  • Weaning
  • Relactation
  • Real-time Pumping Session
  • Pumping Product Tutorials
  • Pregnancy, Prenatal, Postpartum
  • Certified Postpartum Doula
  • Certified Life Coach
  • Master Certified Life Coach


  • Coaching
  • Person-Centered
  • Holistic
  • Compassion Focused
  • Emotionally Focused
  • Culturally Sensitive
  • Multicultural


  • 60-minute Consult: $200
  • 90-minute Consult: $300
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